Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Honk if you're an idiot

To people who honk at people who are running: Please don't.

a) it does not attract me. I don't think you're cool. I'm not turned on. I don't think, "hey, now there's someone I'd like to spend more time with." I don't even think about you more than to silently curse you under my breath and wish I was less of a lady so I could flick you off or throw a rock or chase you down and kick your ass, you motherfucker.

b) I look like crap, so why ARE you honking? I don't dress up to run and my clothes don't match. I don't wear makeup. I don't do my hair. I'm sweaty and stinky (and I sweat like a guy, which means I'm drenched). Basically, I don't look cute. So if you're honking just because I'm obviously NOT a guy, then screw you and refer to "a."

c) if honking wasn't bad enough, you yell obscenities out your window at me. Why? Were you raised in a barn? Under a rock where it's okay to shout obscene things at people you don't know? Refer to "a."

Why was six mad at seven?

Ok, these are my favorite jokes (just wanted to share a little laughter :)

Why was 6 mad at 7? Because 7 8 9 (...7 ate 9...get it? ;P)

Two atoms walk into a bar. One says, I've lost my electron. The other one says, are you sure? The first replies, I'm positive. (HAHA!!)

Two hats are on a hat rack. One says to the other, "You wait here, I'll go on ahead..."

Two guys walk into a bar. You would have thought the second guy would've seen it.


Apparently I've discovered exactly how many days of doing nothing with nobody it takes until I go crazy. Three.

(Though technically one, because I did stuff with/was around people the other two...maybe the solution is interspersing days of nothing with days of something...)