Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Sometimes, Austin and (muffled, hands over mouth) call me...stupid"

"Well, sometimes people are mean." "Yea, when we're in the gym and we're playing with the balls we play with basketballs and soccer balls (mumbles and mimics ball sizes) and and and and sometimes we use soccer balls for basketballs." "Yea. Well, God still loves them even if they're mean, and God forgives them. I know you forgive them, too." "I just tell on them to the teacher."

Not lying, that was the paraphrased version of today's children's sermon conversation between Chris, who was giving the sermon (using Where the Wild Things Are!), and Logan, a 5-or-so year old who obviously had this burden on his chest!

I went to hear a fellow student preach today before going to watch Belmont and Mercer play bball in Macon. His church is a small room full of big love and lovely people, and he spoke on recognizing God in the moments of your life, that God is always speaking and we just need to be quiet enough to hear. That faith doesn't come from miracles but that miracles come from faith. The transfiguration of Jesus in Mark's gospel is interjected after 8 chapters of Jesus' miracles and healings. BAM! He's transfigured and God tells them all (oh, Peter) to shut up for a second and recognize. Jesus just asked Peter who he says He is and who other people think He is, and now God is saying, hey, this is who I know He is.

So I'm trying to recognize God in the moments, looking and listening for God in the moments. Despite my theological and life uncertainties...Anyhow, a jumble of thoughts to go with a jumble of a day. Now it's on to schoolwork and scholarship apps. Peace out cub scout.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"You should know this crap by now!"

"...except she didn't say crap..."

I had one of the funnest (yes, Dr. Trew) conversations last night at the Self Lectures dinner thing. I sat with two pastors who had gone through seminary and PhD work together. I sat with them because us McAfee kids weren't assigned tables and they were sitting by themselves and I thought, hey, I can handle two guys. No, really - I said, "I've got the boys."

Anyhow, they happened to be the most wonderful people. One was a Seminole! We talked a little football, a little "I lived in Cawthon"/"I lived in Bryan." I didn't tell him, though, that the year he graduated - 1982 - was two years before I was born ;)

They asked me about me and I asked them about them. They were so open and genuine, and even said they'd back me financially and otherwise if I ever wanted a real nametag. We talked about what classes I was taking, which is where that quote comes in. They said Greek I and Hebrew I for them was called Baby Hebrew and Baby Greek...not because it was for beginners, but because you stayed up with it all night and it made you cry like a baby! Well, the one of 'ems Greek professor was Dutch and really difficult and he said that he asked a question one day and that was the response he got: "You should know this s*** by now!" But he phrased it politely, as quoted above :)

I found them after the last lecture of the night to say "hey, nice to meet you" and all that, but I really just wanted to get to talk to them again! They were obviously amazingly good friends, and for an hour or so that evening they'd let me join in the fun. They both told me to look them up if I needed them and that I represented McAfee well. But the best part was just getting to meet two really cool people. So, Glen Money and Jim Ramsey...this one's for you.