Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Angry Semester

Ok, I don't really mean angry, but it's a short word and more provocative than "The Semester Where I Was Upset, Defensive, Sad, and (In General) Crazy for No Particular Reason."

I blame it on the winter. It was COLD. For a long time. The sun didn't shine, the birds didn't chirp, and I couldn't go outside without bundling up and running from heated building to heated building. I was MISERABLE. Usually when I'm miserable, I cry about it and hug it out. And go outside where the hot and shining sun warms and hugs my soul. This winter, though, created a monstrous beast inside me! I was angry at the cold weather! Pissed off for being cold ALL the time! And, as there was no one with whom to snuggle it out, my only resort was punching it out. But there was nothing with which to punch it out, either, so I just sat (inside) and stewed. I would dream of the warm beach and curse the cold weather. Impulse control was the only thing that stopped me from shoving my fists through the tiles in the shower as, morning after morning, I was literally shaking from being so cold - even though the water was on full hot.

Now it's warm. It's sunny. My soul rejoices!! And yet...sometimes I still want to wield a baseball bat and smash tiny delicate glass objects. Instead, I skipped class this morning.

Now I know why Northerners have such a reputation for rudeness. Poor folks are just cold.