Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hockey stick, rattlesnake, monkey monkey underpants

I'm sitting here, watching the final episodes of Gilmore Girls from the final season, and here are my final thoughts:

Barack Obama (does Barack have a "c?" or is it Barak? I think it's Barak. but it could be Barack)...Rory is on his campaign trail as a reporter for an online magazine. She decided not to marry Logan. She needs transition time! (I just googled it and it's Barack).

What happens when Gilmore Girls doesn't make me happy at the end? I'm kind of sad. Rory's graduated and is going on the campaign trail for who knows how long, leaving Lorelai, setting out on her own...I'm nervous for Rory and for Lorelai. Sad for them, wistful, nostalgic, happy, excited. I feel like I just graduated - I cried the whole night and the whole trip home.

You can tell Sookie's really pregnant because of her nose. Strange, I know, but you can.

I want their clothes from the last few seasons. I also want to be able to eat all the crap food that they eat and still look like they do. What if the world was backwards for a little while and all the bad food was good for you and we all lost weight and got in excellent shape by eating poptarts and Chinese takeout? I want my hair to do what theirs does. I should get a grown-up pair of jeans.

"I feel like I need more time." I hate that feeling. That slightly panicky, overwhelming feeling of needing more time. And I hate good-byes. I hate saying them, I hate doing them, but I need them. I need closure. I need the hugs and the tears. And I need to do it quick (it's always been my band-aid policy). But deep inside, I could stay hugging onto those I love forever and not leave. I love hugs. Good, two-armed, bear hugs. Knock your teeth out hugs.

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