Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm all alone, there's no one here besiiiide meeee!

This is the first time ever that I've lived by myself for any sort of extended period of time. Both roommates will be back within the next couple weeks, which will be nice. When you live by yourself, there's just no one to talk to and there are no built in playmates! Plus, there's no one with whom to split the bills. And somehow you don't seem quite as lazy if you're lying around with other people watching 3 hours of TV as it does when you're alone. However, there are some perks to solitary confinement...

I can keep the place as clean (or messy) as I want! For me though, it's mainly just clean.

I can walk around in my underwear. Which, even if you have roommates, is fine if you're running from the dryer to your room with the pants you plan to wear. But it's usually frowned upon when you're just hanging out. Although Alanis Morrisette does advocate walking around naked in your living rooooom.

The temperature is always exactly right.

There's always space in the cabinets and in the fridge, and you don't have to constantly navigate around your roommate's 3-week old casserole that's growing moldy.

I can watch 4 episodes of Gilmore Girls without feeling like a sloth. Oh wait. Both my roommates and my good friends will watch 4 episodes with me...ok, so that's a moot point.

Even though there are some upsides to having a place all your own, I still like having people there. It's nice to say "good night" to someone and grunt "good morning." Plus, it's easier to talk someone into going for a reaaaally late night Frosty if they're already in the house, lying on the couch watching the same show as you. Just sayin'.

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