Thursday, August 20, 2009

"...and went to volleyball camp most summahs!"

Word, I am excited about the return of The Office and 30 Rock. They're great shows, but they also celebrate the end of the school week and all us seminarians get together to eat cookies and chips and salsa and lay on the floor in a cramped apartment. Oh, days...

So classes start on Monday. Blech. I don't realllly mean bleeecchh, but definitely buhhhh. To clarify, I really do want to learn and grow and see what's in store. I just don't want to be graded on it. I feel like I'm old enough to NOT have someone evaluate my abilities and worth on a percentage scale. My performance determines my ability to continue and frankly, I just don't want to perform. I cannot imagine writing a paper or studying for a test or preparing a sermon (oh yeah, did I mention I'm taking Preaching this semester? Shoot me now). I don't want to, I don't care to, but I have to so I guess I will.

Monday, August 10, 2009

P.S. (and this is totally random)

I bought new soap and new shampoo and conditioner today. Something about that just makes me almost giddy with excitement :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

“Look at you, thinking outside the socks!"

Do you ever have those days, weeks, MONTHS where you feel like you're suddenly more clumsy and absent-minded than before?

Today alone I

1. broke the arm of my professor/boss's chair. Like snapped it off.

2. splashed Raspberry Ice Crystal Lite all over my shorts (that's the flavor that stains everything instantly).

3. sprayed a huge patch of the wall with anti-stain stuff while attempting to get to the stain before it set. Just shot right out the nozzle onto the wall, completely missing the shorts.

4. ran into an open cabinet, one I had just opened.

5. hung up on my sister in mid-sentence. Just clicked the off button. I was the one talking.

And the day's not done! Oh the possibilities...!