Monday, February 8, 2010

If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops

Yesterday I tripped and fell while running. Well, let me be honest. I tripped and FLEW forward, landing squarely on my chest with my legs flying up over my head...yep, I felt my legs FLY up into the air. I had lept out of the way as a car came closely down my side of the road. There was plenty of room - if he/she had hugged the center line all would have been fine, but he/she didn't and I tried to give him/her a wide berth and consequently tripped over something in the gutter. I've fallen before while running (tripping over my own feet), but then I just fell straight down and stayed there. This time, I kind of skidded forward when I hit the ground. I cut up my finger and hand, and really bruised my left knee. It's all big and blue and purple and swollen. My right knee has a bruise on top with a lovely raspberry in the middle. And I have some scratches on my upper leg. I limped back to campus and a friend drove me home :)

THEN! Today I slammed my middle finger in the bathroom stall door at school. SLAMMED. I almost fell down it hurt so much! Instead, I tried not to scream (the bathrooms are very echo-y) or throw up. I went back to class and told my friend and shook it off. I now have a little bruise under my nail and I couldn' t type with my middle finger for the rest of the class :)

Maybe I should pay more attention and pick up my feet more...nah. I think the solution is to run on marshmallows and have doors made of clouds...

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