Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reverently Agnostic

I'm reading this book, The Year of Living Biblically, by A.J. Jacobs:

It looks like some Bruce Almighty kind of thing, but it is surprisingly reverential. And hysterical. And convicting. And insightful. And educated and educational. And hysterical. Among other things, Jacobs stones a self-confessed adulterer (with pebbles), wears tassels on his clothes, and participates in a chicken slaughter as part of a Hasadim atonement sacrifice.

He picks a few of the seemingly absurd commandments (building a hut, eating a locust, the tassels thing) to follow, but he always tries to follow the 10 commandments:

He says he's a secular agnostic, but I really identify with where he's at. I'm not agnostic (though Deism is appealing when I'm super pissed at God about something), but I am re-incorporating and re-learning how to relate to God. In some ways, it's like starting all over again. This book has actually made me want to read my Bible - more than any Sunday School teacher ever has. I'm also more convicted about my actions (what I say and think) and how much I pray than I have been by any youth camp (which, if you ever went to an evangelical youth camp, you know emotive responses are the goal!).

1 comment:

  1. I am going to go get this book for the plane ride. And hope I have some time to read it on said plane.
