Sunday, October 16, 2011

I like the smell of blueberry bagels

So I bought some so I could eat them. That's true, but the real reason for this random silly something is that when I opened our (paltry) pantry this evening to put away some more groceries (yes, two trips to Kroger today), I smelled them and it reminded me of something silly: when I was in college - I think my last year, maybe even last semester - I spent the night at a friend's house after some random event and it was late and we were hungry. The whole reason I spent the night was that it was really cold and she had a fireplace in her house (random for college kid housing) and we thought it would be awesome to camp in the living room with a fire. So we go to the kitchen and root around and decide on turkey sandwiches, but the only carbohydrates with which to sandwich the sandwiches were...drumroll...blueberry bagels. We toasted that shizz right up anyway and ate turkey sandwiches on blueberry. I don't remember hating it, exactly, but I think we both agreed that turkey and cheese is better on plain, well, anything.

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