Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Seattle is as Seattle does

First morning waking up in Seattle! Yesterday was arrival, 2 trips to QFC
(think Kroger and Whole Food’s love child), 1 trip to Walgreens (Pledge wipes and Clorox bathroom cleaner), 1 eat at Panera (they didn’t have creamy tomato! I’m hoping it was a fluke. But they do have compost and recycle options), and the first 30 minutes of Pineapple Express. Oh, and 1000 trips up and down the elevator (you have to use your fob. Yeah, a fob).

There’s a pretty-ish sort of wilderness across the street – Cal Anderson Park – and people actually use it!!

That was one of the first realizations that we weren’t in Kansas (which, when I think about it that way, actually makes me happy. See last post about those mid states). People were sitting, reading, walking, laying out, chillin’ by the fountain…who does that?! Apparently, people in Seattle. Or maybe it’s bigger than that and all people who live in big cities use their parks!

Unpacking took a while (and by unpacking I mean we unpacked a handful of kitchen boxes so we could find the brownie pan. And then later we tried to find the box with the bottle opener, but Drew figured out that some thing in the tool box would do the trick so we gave up the search). The TV is now up and I’m sitting the wingback, so there’s that.

Jill and I are going to tackle more unpacking and a trip to Target (somewhere out there), while Drew goes to SU to do homework. It’s weird. I should make a list.

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