Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Post #2

Well, it should actually be #1 because my sappy reflections on my freakin' fantastic niece follow from the week of Christmas, but I wrote my Lilabug one first because she is freakin' fantastic. So here's what else happened:

I spent the entire week from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day in Florida at my parents' house. My sister and niece were there. For the first time in my life (seriously) I attended my home church's Christmas Eve service - that would be the church I grew up in, am a member of, and will always be a member of unless a magical unicorn tells me to join somewhere else. We usually go to Catholic mass on Christmas Eve with my family, but since my grandma died things have been different. We did get together with family post-Protestant church service to do the traditional dinner and gift exchanging. My 4-year old cousin Thomas told me to "Go away!" when I sat next to him. I didn't. I scooted a little closer.

Christmas Day was something different, too. It was on a Sunday this year, and since I'm avidly opposed to too much church in one weekend, I didn't go (just kidding. Well, not about the not going. I didn't go. It's just that I'm not a fan of going to church on Christmas Day. A little weird, a little psycho? Yeah maybe, but whatev). The rest of my family went, though, except for Lila. She and I hung out at home and played. I felt a little bad about not going, not because I was missing out on church but because Sarah was playing handbells (a nod to our teenage years of handbells and youth choir). But I really enjoyed the time with Lila and not having to get out of my pajamas.

The rest of the week was nice. I slept in until I heard Lilian babbling, and then I got up and tackled her (followed by getting back in bed for a little bit. It was a holiday, after all). I played with Lil, seriously kicked some puzzle ass, watched some movies, and read two books (Harry Potter 7 for the 3rd time, and the first book of The Hunger Games. It was awesome). I also saw a couple of friends, started making a spoon ring, and went to church on New Year's Day (but not New Year's Eve. Don't get crazy).

Yes, I drink my bottles in a tutu
Who is the boss? I am the boss, not you! Not you!

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