Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yeehaw, motherfuckers!

"'For some people,' she explained, 'happiness isn't a choice. You wanting to be happy and expecting it to just happen is the equivalent of someone with brown eyes wanting blue eyes and expecting that to just happen.' 
The sadness that comes from depression is not rooted in anything real. I'm not sad because of anyone or anything. I don't know why I am sad. I just am. I don't know why I worry about things that are so far out of my control. I just do.  And I so wish that I didn't.  
Most people who don't believe in depression also don't believe in being medicated for it...Instead of drugs, they'd say, why don't you "do more of the things that you enjoy?" 
"Tend to your garden."
"Find a project, something to focus your attention on." 
"Read, 'The Secret.' "
Bite me.
These patronizing ("The Secret"? Are you serious?) prescriptions infuriated me, as if the reason I wasn't happy is because I hadn't tried hard enough."
An Optimist's Battle With Depression
Stephanie Gallman

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