Monday, September 2, 2013

Gnats are just little persistent assholes.

I've had this sinus-y, green-ish yellow snotty, can'tbreathethroughmynose, cold this Labor Day weekend. So after three days of lying on the couch, Nora and I went for a walk and the gnats attacked. Jerks.

Speaking of assholes.

It's been just over a year since I started my online dating experiment. I don't remember all the steps of the scientific method, but I do remember you're supposed to have a hypothesis. My hypothesis was unclear to start, but my findings are clear: I've learned a lot, seen a lot, and have come to the conclusion that most men are kind of asshats.

To be fair, I bet most women are, too. But I'm not dating those, so we'll stick with our population sample. Which, to be even more fair, it's probably a skewed sample of men (online dating does attract a certain swath of humans). I also haven't dated all of the men online ever, so I can't make 100% definitive statements. I haven't dated across races. I have dated across ages (from 26-40), so I can be pretty certain about some things. And I don't think most guys intend to be giant ass clowns. It's probably a combination of things.

So. If you are going to online date random strangers, here are 5 common practices you should probably know about going into it:

1. It is absolutely okay to not call someone if you don't want to. Avoiding the situation is way easier and much less stressful for you. Just pretend it doesn't exist.

2. If you decide to be exclusive with someone, it is still probably okay to date other people. Lines are fuzzy in the real world, folks!

3. If you want to be boring and dull, or overly intense and crazy, go for it. Don't hold back. Don't put your best foot forward. Don't let little things like personal hygiene and discretion get in the way of a good time.

4. Communication doesn't get you anywhere. Don't waste your time with it. Totally stupid.

5. Always be sure to tell the other person how great you are. It's way more believable than if you just are great.

There you go. You're welcome.

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