Monday, September 16, 2013

Who'd have thought we'd have a black son before we knew a Democrat?

Existential angst. If you say it enough, it begins to sounds like "eggsdistential angst" or "engsistential angst." Words are hard! And so is existential angst. It's essentially when the logic part of you and the feeling part of you disagree on something and there is no "good" answer. No answer feels good, no answer will make you happy or solve the problem. There isn't necessarily a right answer, but there is probably a healthier answer, or an answer that better fits with your overall and long(er) term goals and values.

And that SUCKS sometimes. Shouty caps appropriate.

As a total F on the Myers-Briggs, it is completely counter-intuitive for me to go against what I feel. I rely on my feelings. But I feel like such a grown-up when I make a logically sound decision. Like new shoes AND new nail polish grown up.

Ecksistenchul angst.

Also, I did not realize how jaded I've become working in a nonprofit until I interviewed a potential intern this morning. She was so...energetic about the whole thing. Like "let's help everyone and bunnies and sunshine and flowers!!!!!!" excited....

Wide -eyed emoticon.

Also, did not realize how much I really need a vacation until the last couple of weeks.

Hope that clears things up.

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