Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some Days Just Aren't Your Days

And today is NOT my day.

Leaving for the airport, I reached for my phone so I could put it in my carry-on bag. I couldn't find my phone. It wasn't in the pocket in which I last remember putting it, and it wasn't anywhere in any of my bags. We called back to the house, but they couldn't find it. The driver pulled over to the side of the road and I unpacked everything - clothes, shoes, toilettries, souveiners (I have no idea how to spell that word) - into the dirty grass on the roadside. Nothing. My only comforting thought was that perhaps it had fallen into my big pack and I just overlooked it. I hadn't. I used Carson's phone to call Megan to have her pick me up from the airport and to call Mama to tell her I was home. I was in the custom's line and the lady yelled at me, so it was basically "Hi, I'm home. Call you later if I have a phone." Which I don't. Mama emailed and said to wait until Saturday to get a new one, in case the old one is found. I've been praying. I might not make it till Saturday.

Getting into Atlanta took forever. My customs agent took forever, while the other guys took about two minutes. Then we waited in baggage claim forever for our luggage. My flight got in at 145pm. I got home at 5pm.

And then. I get home and our internet doesn't work. I'm currently jacking someone elses. And then. I turned on the TV and nothing. It says something about the channels becoming available soon, but they aren't coming available. So I'm paying for cable and internet that I'm not getting, and I can't call about because I don't have a phone! And I'm alone in a quiet apartment with no access to the world.

All that, and then I get online to check emails and bank accounts and such and I learn that I overdrafted for the first time in my life. I left with money in the bank and came back with an overdraft. Yep.

And the reason why any of this is so bad is that I'm all alone here! My roomies are in different states doing summer things. I'm fine being alone in the apartment (it's kind of nice), but I can't call anyone to talk or coordinate hanging out. I can't communicate with anyone unless I'm online and they're online. Otherwise, it's just me. Alone :(

This day sucks. At least I don't have mango worm, I guess.

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