Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Very Happy Birthday ... #28isNotTheNew18

The alternate title was "Anna + Alcohol = Diet Coke for Life." But though I am seriously considering imposing a 2 drink limit on the rest of my life, I did have a happy birthday. I'm not a big birthday person when it comes to celebrating my own but I do enjoy spending time with people I love, so any excuse for that is a good one. The day started with an early morning nap from 6-8am after taking my roomie to the airport at 530. I didn't set an alarm because I wasn't worried about getting into work on time because, well, I just wasn't. The work day was fairly uneventful and when my coworkers found out it was my birthday, I was summarily directed to leave the office and enjoy the day. So I did (a few hours later) and went for a nice run/walk in a swanky neighborhood in Brookhaven. I can't imagine having a house as big as those, but to show that everyone is subject to the laws of nature I submit this picture:
Inflatable Halloween decoration down.
I also did the requisite personal reflection. I always get a little introspective around holidays and birthdays and this year was no different. I realized I've done things I never imagined doing, been through things I could never have expected to go through, and grown in ways I never thought I could have. I blame most of this on being an adult. Being an adult can really suck sometimes, but I also think I've become more self aware and able to act in the moment (and own my actions). There is some good in having a fully formed brain. Anyhow, I got this from my niece - along with a hand "written" card, a non-objective drawing of a tree, and a tie-dye painting collection of her handprints - so at least I still get to be a kid at night:

I was thinking I needed a night light.
I facetimed with my bff and bbf, which always makes me happy. I love seeing their faces but it would be really nice to be closer. Or at least be able to Apparate. That would be really helpful. Then I took two bottles of Riesling with me to my friendy's house and had chili with most of my Atlanta family. And drank too much of the Riesling, which was fun until the room wouldn't stop spinning. Hence the 2 drink limit. But I woke up in a warm bed with Advil and water on the nightstand:


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