Sunday, January 20, 2013

JT, Pink, Karma, Rebounds, and Wall Anchors

What goes around comes back around (I thought I told ya, hey) - Justin Timberlake

My parents (Popsicle, specifically) won tickets to the Daytona 500. I'm not a race fan so I wasn't upset when they didn't invite me, but I was so so so so very happy for them because they deserve something like this. He got them through some Coke giveaway, and the whole package is like a 4 night hotel, trackside blah blah blah, glitter and champagne, and a new puppy. J/k on the puppy. They already have 2 very energetic beagles. But they won the tickets and the whole shebang and I just can't help thinking about karma - what goes around comes back around, as the JT himself puts it so handsomely. They are immensely generous and good people. They give and give and give - and not just to me, but to anyone who needs to be given. So they should get something from Life that just says, good job, yo, here are 4 tickets to something you enjoy (even if it is one of the weirdest things you humans have come up with. A left turn for 4 hours? Yeah, I'm gonna go watch some downhill skiing in Western Europe). 

Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame. Where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned. But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die, you gotta get up and try try try - Pink

I'm not a huge Pink fan. I think her stuff is great for the biceps track in Body Pump, but aside from that...not so much. This song, though, has been stuck in my head for days and I'm applying its principle to dating. Rebound dating is a really bad idea and I'm going to try to not do it again. Eeek. The last line - you get burned, it hurts, you're not going to die - is perhaps what I should have listened to. Just taken the burn. Perhaps rebounding is part of the trying again, though. Not a particularly fun part, if that's the case, if the rebound actually likes you. Eeek. I'm not set up to hurt people's feelings...Anyhow, that last line sounds a lot like my mom. I think she's right a lot more of the time than I want to admit, even when I disagree that everything is going to be all right in the end. No one knows how the end will be and people die all the time with unmet goals and unfulfilled hopes and dreams. But about the past, perhaps, Momsie is correct. We've all been burned and we've all survived, if no more than in pieces and shreds for a while. And the hope part of life - that optimistic flame inside of us that keeps the edge off despair most days - tells us to just get up and try, try, try. 

Finally, I would like to point out what an awesome house project person I am. I successfully hung multiple things today (a mirror, a towel rack) on the first try and lined most every drawer in the apartment with fancy schmancy shelf liner. I'd like to thank Tom Knippel for making sure I knew a wall anchor from a table saw.


  1. I agree with all of this, especially the bit about drywall anchors. As someone whose spouse is not, uh, the greatest handyman, I am glad I can successfully step in and deliver results. And I still can't believe you read Fifty Shades of Gray. I read the nook sample and couldn't get over the fact that Lilian writes better than Mrs./Ms./Miss James.

  2. Yeah, Buggy does. But she writes better than 76% of most people, so... I try not to judge people against her brilliance.
