Friday, March 8, 2013

Lightning striking agaaaaaain

If you can sing that song, you either grew up with Sally as your mom or you were in Fellini's on Tuesday night. Anyhow, a lot more than the date changed for me on January 1. Things personally and professionally took a punch to the kidney; however, there is one small glimmer of sunshine:
At least I'm not on The Bachelor.
This is my 4th year of The Bachelor/Bachelorette series. It started out as something that brought my Atlanta world together over the summer on a Monday night. Ali was the Bachelorette. It was weird in the way that only reality TV can be weird. We balked at its ridiculousness, laughed at its absurdity, and mocked its premise. Chris Harrison is perhaps the worst host imaginable. Chavez would have been a more eloquent presence (too soon?). And still, I look forward to this every Monday night every year.
Now it has become a time for me to get together with a couple close friends, chat, laugh, and catch up on our lives and our weeks (and let's be honest, for me to see and hold an incredibly precious baby). I really look forward to this connection. And I also look forward to it because of its validation. My life might be crumbly, but I'm not on The Bachelor. I might not be married, but I'm not on The Bachelor. I might fail publicly, but I don't make annoying emotional outbursts on national TV. I might have problems, but being on The Bachelor ain't one of them.

(In other news, the season finale is Monday night. I'm so excited)

(In other other news, I posted a link on Facebook to One Simple Wish - - an organization that grants wishes to foster kids. It's a lot of Disneyland stuff, but it's also things like luggage and shoes and a carseat. Anyhow, I wrote something nice because it was FB, but how I wanted to start the post was "Don't be a douche." Hee hee) 

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