Thursday, March 21, 2013

Adventures 2.1 - One Date is Sometimes One Date Too Many

Ugh. Dating. Seriously. There are more frogs than princes, and not necessarily mean frogs or stupid frogs or ridiculous frogs (though there are a lot more of those than I ever thought possible) - just frogs. In case you get stuck in the "everyone deserves a second chance" mindset (of which I am most definitely guilty), consider the following signs as indications that one date is sometimes enough:

1. Your date smells. As in, did not shower before the date or perhaps even that day or week.

2. Your date carries a concealed weapon and you don't like handguns.

3. Your date says "let's meet at 6:45!" at a restaurant. And when the waitress comes he says, "I'm not eating, I'll just have a beer" and then doesn't ask if you want food. I had a glass of wine. On an empty stomach. That was growling. I guess I missed the memo that dinner is out of style.

4. When the hostess asks your date for his name for the waitlist, your date stares at her quizzically and doesn't answer. I gave her my name.

5. It takes 2 beers for your date to crack a joke.

6. The date feels more like an interview than, I don't know, a date.

7. You make small talk about the weather. At the end of the date. Because you've run out of things to say. (and this from a person who can make small talk for hours)

8. Getting your date to initiate conversation can be difficult, especially at first and especially if he is nervous or shy or doesn't date much. After an hour, though, he should be able to come up with something.

9. Your date goes in for the goodnight kiss and you are a) not expecting it, b) not desiring it, and c) can't turn your head for the cheek-kiss fast enough so you get an awkward one planted on you. Not awesome.

10. You think - multiple times during the date and lament to your dog afterwards - that you can't believe you wasted doing your hair/makeup/an outfit on this.

11. Anything that Big Country said or did.

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