Sunday, June 9, 2013

"I don't think the badger is actually rabid, I just think he's kind of a dick."

New Girl is hysterical. Anyhow, lately:


I HATE COOKING. It's a deep and utter loathing, but it must be done so I begrudge the bitch and do it. But I do like it when you just put everything into one pot or pan and let it cook and voila! Things like jam happen:

Strawberries and blueberries, oh my!


I've had this dresser since undergrad. My dad bought it for me when I went off to FSU. I painted it white and painted the knobs all kinds of fun ways. Now I need a place to store my sewing and crafty things (and, let's be honest, there's not much redecorating or furniture moving in a small apartment. I gotta do something).

Drawers be gone!
My goal is to add (a) cabinet door(s) to the front and leave that little middle section open. The accent color is going to be gold and I am trying to figure out how to adhere something shiny to the back of it. It's that MDF stuff but so far none of my sticky stuffs have stuck stuff to it...a challenge I am willing to accept.


People say the darndest things and while a lot of it makes me want to punch something, some of it is really funny:

#21 reads, State reason(s) why you
cannot afford hearing aids. 

Most people say they don't have the money. That response is definitely the most unique answer I've seen for that question.


I really love my home. I really love it. I become a 2-year old without a nap when I'm away from it too long; i.e. I need decompress time with my home. My home is a one bedroom apartment and I wish I had more space just so I could do more things. I recently put in a screen outside the porch door so Nora could go in and out and the bugs would just stay out. I'm basically a pro.

Screen! It's Magic Mesh. Boom.
I also have a new power drill and impact driver, thanks to the boy. He found them on sale (2 for the price of 1!) at Home Depot and thought of me. I am that woman who wants a vacuum for her birthday.


I love her so much. Getting her is definitely one of the best decision I've made for myself. Even when I wish there was someone else to walk her, I never wish I didn't have her. I always want her with me, even if I'm like, gahhh please just chew on your beef cheek over there by yourself for 5 minutes. She is my closest and most constant companion. 

She also chewed her collar.
I'm choosing to believe she wanted
a wardrobe change and, having no words,
this is how she chose to tell me.

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