Friday, April 26, 2013

Nora and Food

So essentially two of the biggest time consumers of my day.

Nora first.

She had her first sleepover - her first night away from me. As any new mom, I was more of a wreck than she was and I missed her before she even left. She spent the night with her friend, Molly, and Molly's mom, Jess, while I went out with a boy (that's another post). My apartment was also on the list for smoke detector inspection today and I didn't want to leave my girl home without me while strange men prowled around. That wound up not even mattering because the maintenance people didn't even come. Anyhow, Nora spent the night with Jess and Molly and apparently had a blast because she's passed out on the couch:

This is her, "seriously, mom,
trying to sleep here" face.

Nora has also chewed a few more pairs of shoes, strewn clean laundry around the house, and eaten the first two chapters of a new book. She also finally seems to be completely comfortable and at home. She starts out sleeping right up next to me, but now also rolls away from me and even gets on the floor sometimes. I love her ridiculously. I seriously wonder how I lived without her and I don't like being away from her. I sometimes come home at lunch to walk her - not because she needs it but because I miss her. She's my sweet girl.

Now food.

As has been well established, I do not enjoy cooking (baking is a different story). Cooking just takes way too long and then I don't even want to eat it because I'm so hungry that I become un-hungry and I've worked with the ingredients too long to even want to eat them. Sometimes I don't even want to make a salad because there are too many things to put in it. Yea, I told you - making food is not my favorite.

Anyhow, apparently you have to eat in order to live and cereal doesn't cover all your nutritional bases, so tonight I experimented with soy crumbles. Yes. Soy crumbles. The vegetarian equivalent to ground beef. And I rocked that shit:

A natural multi-tasker, I also wore
a new pair of heels to break them in.
Nora will NOT get these.
Finished! Freakin' yummy.
I want to eat it all.
I added garlic and tomato paste and a can of diced tomatoes. And when it tasted too...tomato-y?... I added lemon juice and made it all better. I made it and ate it the same night. Kind of makes me feel like riverdancin'.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to put your feet on the table??

    And yay for Nora feeling at home! I can't wait for Lilian to meet her! 6 months!!
